Name: Fredrika Tham
Age: 19
City and country of origin: Gothenburg, Sweden
1.When, where and for how long did you live or have you been living in Barcelona?
I have been living in Barcelona for almost eight months now (how did that happen?), all the time in Raval. Came here in june 2009. Bought a one way ticket home for the 13th of December, but after talking to my grandmother (of all people) I changed my mind. She asked me "Fredrika, why are you going home?" I didn't even have an answer, so a bought a ticket back again.
I'm glad, and thankful to my granny, that I did it, after spending my holidays at minus 15 degrees.
2.What made you move here?
Actually, it wasn't something that I had planned for a long time, it just sort of happened. I was broken after years of non-stop studying and I needed to get away.
My intention was to move to Madrid (mentioning it might get me killed in this town...), but when two friends of mine got a job here I thought “oh what the hell, why not?”.
Got the job and just left.
3.What made you leave / stay?
The fact that I am happy here. I have everything I need; a lot of fantastic friends, a job, an apartment. I'm not in love with the city, but I am in love with how the city makes me feel.
4.What you like the most about Barcelona.
The possibility of taking the Renfe to a beach outside Barcelona, the ocean that looks as it never ends, taking a coffee in the sun at our favorite café, sitting at MACBA for hours eating ice cream watching people skate (wich I am doing at the picture!), the juices for 1 euro in la Boqueria. Oh and of course, falafel at Carrer de Joaquím Costa.
5.What you dislike the most about Barcelona.
The smell. What is that smell? A mix of pee and garbage, which the heat doesn't make any better... The stealing. I've basically lost everything that I could lose. And I hate the fact that I'm sometimes scared when I'm walking alone.
6.Name a special place in Barcelona.
The back of Montjüic, where you can see all the cruise-ships and containers. So ugly, but yet so beautiful.
7. Name one word you would relate to Barcelona.
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