Name: Liu He
Age: 25
City and country of origin: Beijing, China
1.When, where and for how long did you live or have you been living in Barcelona?
3 months (sep-Dec 2009)
2.What made you move here?
My school had a exchange program with several european cities, I chose the hottest and the most exciting city, Barcelona, which is by the way my all time favorite get-away vacation city
3.What made you leave / stay?
As I said...it’s a exchange program...so I’m returning to Paris to finish my study.
4.What you like the most about Barcelona.
I like people’s positive attitude about things, it’s like, they have that innate spirit of fighting against things without complainning too much, and live the life they dream of. And at the same time, life here is quite chill, you can discover the simplicity in the system around daily life (France is more bureaucratic I think), and the beauty of fun (nightlife...) here is just the right amount, yet is not to say that Barcelona is too simple, it certainly has a European type of complexity, you can discover that in their food, their arts, and the latino relationships...
5.What you dislike the most about Barcelona.
Maybe the modernity is taking over the ancient beauty.
6.Name a special place in Barcelona.
The Badalona beach (east of Barcelona) and the port! I like to play around there a lot!
7.Name one word you would relate to Barcelona.
Hot stuff.
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